Why Choose Us

ACO Global Partners, a subsidiary of Alim Investment Co. Ltd. Saudi Arabia was established in 2005 to become affiliated with most state owned and private petrochemical companies in the GCC, uplifting regular volumes in international and trade distribution. Leaders in petrochemical and polymers industry  Polypropylene, Polyethylene and Polystyrene With an established marketing platform and strong customer base; focused on quality products, reliable and strategic partnership, responsible business practice, and professional expertise.

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  • Our Mission
    Our Mission

    To be the leading oil and gas company in Asia, with a remarkable commitment to our partnerships and to maintain our reputed name in the petrochemicals and polymers industry

  • Our Vision
    Our Vision

    To become an Indigenous Company with a worldwide reputation for innovation and excellence in the petrochemical and polymers industry.


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ACO Egypt

ACO Saudi Arabia